Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland
Section 1 – CBOI Child Protection Policy Statement
It is the policy of the Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland to safeguard the welfare of all the children and young people who attend our events, by protecting them from physical, sexual and emotional harm. We are also committed to providing a positive and enlightened environment, to facilitate the best possible educational outcome for participants in our courses. The welfare of the child/young person under our care is paramount.
CBOI will adhere to the recommendations of Children First: National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children, published by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs in 2011.
We have implemented procedures covering:
- Code of behaviour for staff and volunteers
- Reporting of suspected or disclosed abuse
- Confidentiality
- Recruitment and selecting staff and volunteers
- Managing and supervising staff and volunteers
- Involvement of primary carers
- Allegations of misconduct or abuse by staff and volunteers
- Complaints and comments
- Incidents and accident
- Codes of behaviour for orchestra members
The Child Protection Policy (CPP) is available to CBOI staff (for the avoidance of doubt all references to staff shall include permanent and freelance staff and volunteers unless otherwise indicated), the CBOI board, and, when requested, primary carers.
Courses (rehearsals/concerts) referred to in this policy are rehearsals/concerts and concerts on tour that are run by CBOI and attended by at least one CBOI member of staff.
This policy will be reviewed on 31st January 2015.
Signed Date: January 2015
[Sharon Tracey Dunne, Designated Liaison Person]
Section 2 – CBOI Code of Behaviour for Staff and Volunteers
This code of behaviour is intended to aid and advise CBOI staff and volunteers in minimising risk and encouraging good practice while at CBOI rehearsals and on tour. Staff and volunteers must always exercise an appropriate level of judgment in each case.
The code of behaviour has been divided into the following subsections:
- Child-centred approach
- Good practice
- Inappropriate behaviour
- Physical contact
- Health and safety
Child-centred approach
CBOI staff and volunteers should do the following when working with children/young people:
- Treat them equally but also as individuals
- Listen to and respect them
- Involve them in decision making
- Encourage, support and praise them and use only constructive criticism when needed
- Use appropriate language (both physical and verbal)
- Have fun and encourage a positive and trusting atmosphere
- Respect their personal space
- Respect differences of ability, culture, religion, race and sexual orientation
- Be aware of any special needs children
- Ensure the code of behaviour for children is adhered to
- Lead by example
- Be positive role models (p 20)
- Respect confidentiality (p36)
Good Practice
To ensure best practice, CBOI is committed to doing the following at all activities run by us:
- Keeping a record of name, address, phone number, additional requirements, attendance and emergency contact of all participants. CBOI registers all participants on arrival at rehearsals/events
- Ensuring that a copy of our Child Protection Policy is sent to all freelance staff and volunteers prior to our rehearsals and hard copies are available on arrival for them and for visitors and staff of the organisations/buildings that are hosting our rehearsals/concerts. Policy copies are also forwarded to primary carers where requested.
- Having emergency procedures in place, as outlined in Section 3.
- Accommodating special needs children at our rehearsals/concerts, where it is possible to provide an adequate environment to meet their requirements
- Evaluating work practices on a regular basis
- Training five members of staff (including the Designated Liaison Person and 3 Deputy Designated Liaison Persons), by sending them on a ‘Keeping Safe’ course
- Training our volunteers and freelance staff by meeting to discuss and talk through this policy document at the beginning of each season, before teaching begins. Staff will then be asked to sign a form acknowledging that they have received training, have read and understood the CBOI CPP, and will abide by it (Appendix 10).
- Recording any incidents in the confidential incident file taken on all courses
- Ensuring that the relevant primary carers are made aware of our CPP (see standard course form, Appendix 1)
- Ensuring proper supervision based on adequate ratios according to age and gender
- Being proactive in relation to problems, so that they don’t get ‘out of control’
- CBOI requires sessional staff to do the following on all courses:
- Plan and be sufficiently prepared both mentally and physically
- Report any concerns to the Designated Liaison Person or Deputies and follow reporting procedures as outlined in Section 3
- Follow and enforce anti-bullying policy as outlined in the Code of Behaviour for Children/Young Persons in Section 3
- Observe appropriate dress and behaviour
- Avoid taking sessions on their own or being on their own in a room with a young person/child
- If necessary to give a lift to a young person/child, ensure the primary carer has been informed
- Maintain awareness around language and comments made and where there is a possibility that upset may have been caused, address it in a sensitive manner
Inappropriate behaviour
CBOI staff should not do any of the following:
- Use or allow use of offensive or sexually suggestive physical and/or verbal language
- Allow or engage in inappropriate touching of any form
- Hit or physically chastise students
- Socialise inappropriately with students outside of structured organisational activities
Physical contact
CBOI acknowledges that physical contact may be essential to the process of teaching at rehearsals. CBOI requires, therefore, that freelance teaching staff seek consent of children/young persons before making physical contact with them (except in an emergency or dangerous situation) and check their level of comfort when teaching exercises that involve physical contact.
Health and safety
CBOI staff and volunteers should do the following at rehearsals and on tour:
- Avoid leaving children unattended where reasonable
- Be vigilant in making sure that the environment on the course is safe
- Be aware of the accident procedure as outlined in Section 10
CBOI Code of Behaviour for Young Persons/Children
CBOI is committed to organising a workshop in 2015 involving a number of young people/children to allow them to help us tailor our ‘Code of Behaviour for Young Persons/Children’. This workshop will last approximately one hour and the parents/carers permission will be sought before a young person/child can participate.
In addition, at the beginning of each season a short meeting will be held with all course participants to talk through our Code of Behaviour for Young Persons/Children. Because it is not feasible to conduct child/young person code of behaviour training at rehearsals, member orchestras/band/choirs who sign up to our policy will be asked to hold a short meeting with all participants to talk through our Code of Behaviour for Young Persons/Children before rehearsals / concerts, and contact the CBOI Director in the event of queries.
CBOI Code of Behaviour for Young Persons/Children
It is the policy of the Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland to safeguard the welfare of all the children and young people who attend our events, by protecting them from harm. We are also committed to providing a positive and enlightened environment, to facilitate the best possible educational outcome for participants on our courses. The welfare of the child/young person under our care is paramount.
The following are the rules, which all young persons/children at rehearsals/concerts/events are required to follow:
All young persons/children must:
- Sign a registration book on arrival at rehearsals/concerts/events,
- Make sure a member of staff is informed if they are unable to attend an individual rehearsal/event or will be late for any reason
- Submit forms for CBOI membership, which have been signed by their parents/carers (see Appendix 1), to the office by the relevant deadline in advance of attending rehearsals/events
- Be aware of the physical boundaries of the property where the rehearsal/workshop takes place and never leave them without permission from a member of staff during the course. At rehearsal workshops at break times there is the opportunity to for members to go to the local shop. This is unsupervised and members who have permission to go are advised to go in pairs. Parents who do not want their child to go to the shops may opt out of this activity, please complete section of membership form (Appendix ?)
- Not consume alcohol, drugs or smoke while participating at rehearsals and on tour, in keeping with civil law
- Not engage in rough play
- Not use inappropriate language
CBOI wishes to promote a positive and inclusive atmosphere at rehearsals and on tour and asks children/young persons to be aware of and follow these guidelines:
- Treat each other and all members of staff and volunteers at CBOI rehearsals and on tour with courtesy, respect and dignity
- Respect the fact that staff and volunteers at CBOI rehearsals and on tour will not work alone or spend time alone with one child/young person
- Be aware that bullying will not be accepted or tolerated. Bullying can be defined as repeated aggression, verbal, psychological or physical – which is conducted by an individual or group against others. Examples of bullying include the following: name-calling, physical fighting of any form, making offensive comments, intimidation, threatening, ignoring or excluding others, damaging property, spreading rumours, sarcasm, mocking, derogatory remarks & gestures, sending abusive text messages or voicemails.
- Do not take photos on your phone of members without their permission, do not post or tag other member’s photos on social media sites.
- Treat each other equally but also as individuals
- Listen to and respect each other
- Have fun and encourage a positive, inclusive atmosphere
- Respect each others personal space
- Respect differences of ability, culture, religion, race and sexual orientation
- Be aware and helpful to any person with a disability/additional needs requirement
In general we ask that all participants use a ‘common sense’ approach as to what is acceptable behaviour and treat others as they would expect to be treated themselves.
Section 3 – CBOI Reporting Procedures for Child Protection Concerns
Designated Persons
CBOI CEO Sharon Tracey Dunne acts as the Designated Liaison Person for Child Protection
Contact Sharon Tracey Dunne +353 86 8283268
Deputy Designated Persons: The Deputy Designated Liaison Persons are: Catherine Duffy +353872426117, Siobhan Englishby, Kathleen O’Brien +3537971809469
It is the responsibility of the Designated Liaison Person and the Deputy Designated Liaison Persons to support and advise staff and children/young persons at CBOI rehearsals and on tour about policy and procedures in relation to child protection and to ensure procedures are followed. It is also their responsibility to liaise with the Health Service Executive or Gardaí; The Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety or PSNI where appropriate.
The CBOI has a confidential incident file, which will be taken on all courses.
Dealing with a disclosure:
CBOI advises its staff to deal as follows with a disclosure from a child/young person:
- Stay calm, listen and allow them enough to time to say what they need to say
- Don’t prompt or use leading questions
- Reassure them but do not promise to keep anything secret
- Don’t make them repeat anything unnecessarily
- Explain in an age appropriate way what will happen next
All incidents should be reported to the Designated Liaison Person or where unavailable, to the Deputy Designated Liaison Person or the named senior member of the orchestra. The incident will then be recorded on the CBOI Confidential Incident Report Form (see Appendix 2). The Incident Report Form asks for information on concerns, suspicions, worrying observations, behavioural changes, and actions and outcomes, and it requires only factual information to be recorded. Information will be shared on a strictly ‘need to know’ basis (see Section 4: Confidentiality Statement). Staff and volunteers should be aware of what constitutes ‘reasonable grounds for concern’ when reporting incidents (see Appendix 3).
CBOI’s Designated Liaison Person or Deputy Designated Liaison Person will then do the following:
- Act without delay
- Discuss the incident with the parent, carer or adult responsible for the child/young person or appoint an appropriate person to do this, unless this would put the child at further risk
- Discuss the incident informally with the Health Service Duty Social Worker before making a report, if appropriate
- Should the Designated or Deputy Designated Liaison Person then decide that a report is necessary, they will complete the standard reporting form available from the Health Service Executive without delay (see Appendix 8).
- Reports to the Duty Social Worker/Gateway Team NI, can be made verbally and then followed by the standard form. A formal report should only be made where there are ‘reasonable grounds for concern’ (see Appendix 3).
The Designated or Deputy Designated Liaison Person is committed to:
- Keeping all information confidential and sharing it only on a need to know basis
- Keeping the person who reports the incident informed
If the Designated Liaison Person or Deputy Designated Liaison Person is not available, the Duty Social Worker or Health Service Executive/Gateway Team NI can be contacted directly, or where they are unavailable, the Gardaí/PSNI. In situations that threaten the immediate safety of the child/young person, it may be necessary to contact the Gardaí/PSNI.
As CBOI operates on an all Ireland level, contact details for all local HSE duty social workers/Gateway Teams NI are included (see Appendix 12). Where a report needs to be made, the Designated or Deputy Designated Liaison Person will contact the HSE duty social worker/Gateway Team in the local area where the rehearsal or event is taking place or where the child is from.
Should the Gardaí/PSNI need to be contacted CBOI will contact the Garda/PSNI Station local to where the event is taking place. CBOI will bring details of the local Garda/PSNI station to all events and courses.
Section 4 – Confidentiality statement
CBOI is committed to ensuring peoples’ rights to confidentiality. However, in relation to child protection and welfare we undertake that:
- Information will only be forwarded on a ‘need to know’ basis in order to safeguard the child/young person
- Giving such information to others for the protection of a child or young person is not a breach of confidentiality
- We cannot guarantee total confidentiality where the best interests of the child or young person are at risk
- Primary carers, children and young people have a right to know if personal information is being shared and/or a report is being made to the Health Service Executive/DHSSPS, unless doing so could put the child/young person at further risk
- The incident report file will be kept in a locked cabinet in the CBOI office. Any reports completed on courses will be kept safely by the Designated or Deputy Designated Liaison person until they can be added to the file in the office
Section 5 – CBOI Recruitment and selection policy statement
- CBOI will ensure that staff and volunteers are carefully selected, trained and supervised to provide a safe environment for all children and young people
- Roles and responsibilities for every job (paid or voluntary) will be clearly defined
- Staff positions will be advertised widely
- A panel of at least two representatives will select staff through an interview process
- Appointments for freelance tutoring positions for courses will be made from a panel of artists put together by the CBOI Director and Board. A panel consisting of at least two representatives will then select tutors. Anyone interested in applying to work as a freelance tutor for CBOI will be asked to send a CV and cover letter
- CBOI will endeavour to select the most suitably qualified personnel
- At least two written references, which are recent, relevant, independent and verbally confirmed, will be necessary for all staff and will be sought using a confidential reference form (See Appendix 4). Should there be reason to exclude an applicant, this will be discussed and agreed on a case-by-case basis at board level. References cannot be supplied by family members
- Garda clearance will also be sought prior to making appointments
- No person who would be deemed to constitute a ‘risk’ will be permitted to work (paid or voluntary) for CBOI
The following would be considered risk factors:
- Any child-related convictions
- A refusal to sign declaration form or provide details of two referees
- Insufficient documentary evidence of identification
- Concealment of information relating to one’s suitability for working with children.
- There will be a probationary period of three months for each member of staff recruited
- All staff (permanent, freelance, and voluntary) will be required to consent to Garda clearance and, where available, this will be sought. They will also be required to complete a declaration form (See Appendix 5)
- All freelance tutors will be required to sign a contract (sample attached in Appendix 9).
- Copies of photo id of all staff will be requested and be kept on file by CBOI
Section 6 – Managing and supervising staff and volunteers
New staff and volunteers will:
- Be made aware of CBOI’s code of conduct, be made aware of the Designated or Deputy Designated Liaison Persons, as appropriate, undergo a ‘Keeping Safe’ course and prior to this will be familiar with CBOI’s CPP
- Undergo a probationary period of three months and be subject to the recruitment procedures outlines in section 5.
- Will be trained in Child Protection Procedures and required to read and sign the CPP document
All staff will:
- Will be trained in Child Protection Procedures and required to read and sign the CPP document
- Receive an adequate level of supervision and review of their work practices
- Be familiar with the CBOI CPP and have undertaken a ‘Keeping Safe’ course
All freelance and voluntary staff:
- Will be sent a copy of the CPP to read and sign prior to working with the CBOI.
- Will be familiar with this CPP and be given training as out lined in Section Two – Good Practice
- Will be subject to the recruitment procedures as outlined in Section 5
Section 7- Involvement of Primary Carers
CBOI is committed to being open with all primary carers.
CBOI undertakes to:
- Advise primary carers of our CPP Policy statement (see Appendix 1, and also information will be added to our website) and make copies of the policy available when requested
- Inform primary carers of all activities and potential activities
- Issue contact/consent forms for rehearsals and tours (see Appendix 1)
- Comply with health and safety practices
- Operate child centred policies in accordance with best practice as outlined in Section 2
- Adhere to our staff recruitment and management guidelines as outlined in Section 5
- Ensure as far as possible that activities are age appropriate
- Encourage and facilitate the involvement of parents, carers and responsible adults where appropriate.
If CBOI has concerns about the welfare of a young person/child we will follow our reporting procedures outlined in Section 3 and in the event of a complaint against a member of staff we will follow procedure outlined in Section 8.
Section 8 – Dealing with allegations against staff
In the instance of an allegation, CBOI’s first priority is the safety of the child. CBOI also has a responsibility to the staff.
Two separate procedures must be followed:
- In respect of the child/young person either the Designated Liaison Person or the Deputy Designated Liaison Person will deal with issues related to the child/young person. In the event that either of these members of staff has had allegations made against them, the member of staff who has not had allegations made against them will deal with the issues related to the child/young person
- In respect of the person against whom the allegation is made The CBOI CEO will deal with issues related to the staff member
- The reporting procedures in Section 3 should be followed, and the parents/carers and the child/young person should be kept informed of actions planned and taken
- The staff member will be informed as soon as possible of the nature of the allegation and will be given the opportunity to respond
- Any action following an allegation of abuse against a staff member should be taken in consultation with the Health Service Executive and Gardaí/DHSSPS and PSNI
- After consultation, the CBOI CEO will advise the person whom the allegation has been made against and take measures appropriate to the level of risk while not unreasonably penalising the worker – unless necessary to the protect the child/young person. Measures will include increased supervision, assignment to different duties/or suspension. Should an allegation take place on an CBOI tour and reasonable grounds for concern (see Appendix 3) exist the person will stop work immediately on that course
Section 9 – Complaints and Comments Procedures
- Complaints or comments will be responded to in writing within 2 weeks
- The Designated Liaison Person, Sharon Tracey Dunne has responsibility for directing complaints/comments to the appropriate person and ensuring they are responded to on time
- Verbal complaints will be logged and responded to in the same way as written complaints
- CBOI will seek the advice of a HSE social worker for an informal discussion in the event of a complaint that may cause ‘reasonable grounds for concern’
- CBOI has an evaluation form that is given to all participants at activities (see Appendix 11)
Appendix 1 Definitions and Indicators of Child Abuse
Neglect can be defined in terms of an omission, where the child suffers significant harm or impairment of development by being deprived of food, clothing, warmth, hygiene, intellectual stimulation, supervision and safety, attachment to, and affection from adults and / or medical care. Neglect generally becomes apparent in different ways over a period of time rather than at one specific point.
Harm can be defined as the ill-treatment or impairment of the health or development of a child. Whether it is significant is determined by the child’s health and development as compared to that which could reasonably be expected of a child of similar age. The threshold of significant harm is reached when the child’s needs are neglected to the extent that his / her well –being and / or development are severely affected.
- Abandonment or desertion
- Children persistently being left alone without adequate care and supervision
- Malnourishment, lacking food, inappropriate food or erratic feeding
- Lack of warmth
- Lack of adequate clothing
- Inattention to basic hygiene
- Lack of protection and exposure to danger, including moral danger or lack of supervision appropriate to the child’s age
- Persistent failure to attend school
- Non-organic failure to thrive i.e. child not gaining weight due not only to malnutrition but also to emotional deprivation
- Failure to provide adequate care for the child’s medical and developmental problems
- Exploited, overworked
- Behavioural signs e.g. overactive, aggressive, poor coping skills, impulsive behaviour, indiscriminate friendliness, withdrawn, poor social skills development, bed wetting, soiling or destructive behaviours, substance misuse, running away, sexual promiscuity, self harm, offending behaviours.
Further detail available from: Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children, Department of Children and Youth Affairs 2011 and Child Protection and Welfare Practice Handbook, HSE 2011.
Emotional abuse is normally to be found in the relationship between a parent / carer and a child rather than in a specific event of pattern of events. It occurs when a child’s developmental need for affection, approval, consistency and security are not met. Unless other forms of abuse are present, it is rarely manifested in terms of physical signs or symptoms.
Emotional abuse can be manifested in terms of the child’s behavioural, cognitive, affective or physical functioning. The threshold of significant harm is reached when abusive interactions dominate and become typical of the relationship between the child and the parent / carer.
- Rejection
- Lack of comfort and love
- Lack of attachment
- Lack of proper stimulation e.g. fun and play
- Lack of continuity of care e.g. frequent moves, particularly unplanned
- Continuous lack of praise and encouragement
- Serious over-protectiveness
- Inappropriate non-physical punishment e.g. locking in rooms
- Family conflicts and / or violence
- Every child who is abused sexually, physically or neglected is also emotionally abused
- Inappropriate expectations of a child relative to his / her age and stage of development.
Further detail available from: Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children, Department of Children and Youth Affairs 2011 and Child Protection and Welfare Practice Handbook, HSE 2011.
Physical abuse of a child is that which results in actual or potential physical harm from an interaction or lack of interaction, which is reasonably within the control of a parent or person in a position of responsibility, power or trust. There may be single or repeated incidents.
- Bruises
- Fractures
- Swollen joints
- Burns / scalds
- Abrasions / lacerations
- Haemorrhages
- Damage to body organs
- Poisonings – repeated (prescribed drugs, alcohol)
- Failure to thrive
- Coma / unconsciousness
- Death.
Further detail available from: Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children, Department of Children and Youth Affairs 2011 and Child Protection and Welfare Practice Handbook, HSE 2011.
Sexual abuse occurs when a child is used by another person for his or her gratification or sexual arousal or for that of others.
- Bleeding from the vagina / anus
- Difficulty / pain in passing urine / faeces
- An infection may occur secondary to sexual abuse which may or may not be a definitive sexually transmitted disease. Professionals should be informed if a child has persistent vaginal discharge or warts / rash in the genital area
- Noticeable and uncharacteristic change in behaviour
- Hints about sexual activity
- Age-inappropriate understanding of sexual behaviour
- Inappropriate seductive behaviour
- Sexually aggressive behaviour with others
- Uncharacteristic sexual play with peers / toys
- Unusual reluctance to join in normal activities that involve undressing e.g. games / swimming
Further detail available from: Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children, Department of Children and Youth Affairs 2011 and Child Protection and Welfare Practice Handbook, HSE 2011.
Appendix 2, Sample Membership Application Form
Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland
South East Regional Youth Orchestra
String Application Form
Name of Member Orchestra/ensemble (The orchestra you normally play with)
Name of Player Date of birth PPS Number / National Health Number
Email Address
Telephone number Mobile number
Instrument Grade
Teacher’s Phone Number
If Violin, 1st or 2nd I/II Do you wish to audition for section leader? Yes / No (please circle your choices)
Signed Date
Additional Access Requirements:
Parent’s Signature (For players under 18)
Number where parent /guardian can be reached during the workshop weekend
(Mobile number is most suitable)
Fees for course
- €100 Administration Fee
Please make cheques payable to Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland and send to the address below.
Applications may also be made online at
Please return you application form, fee, completed medical form and a recent photo to:
CBOI Dundalk Institute of Technology, Dublin Road, Dundalk, Co Louth, Ireland
All players take part at their own risk. Players are individually responsible for insuring their own instruments.
CBOI Sample Medical & Permission Form
It is the policy of the CBOI to safeguard the welfare of all the children and young people who attend our events, by protecting them from harm. We are also committed to providing a positive and
enlightened environment, to facilitate the best possible educational outcome for participants through the programmes we offer. The welfare of the child/young person under our care is paramount.
CBOI will adhere to the recommendations of Children First: National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children, published by the Department of Health and Children.
A full copy of the joint Child Protection Policy is on the CBOI Website. It is important that you read this document. The Designated Child Protection Person is Sharon Tracey Dunne CBOI Dundalk Institute of Technology, Dublin Road, Dundalk, Co Louth, Ireland
Please inform us of any condition which might require urgent medical attention in an emergency. CBOI staff will be in attendance at all times.
Does he / she have diabetes Yes/No?
Is he / she using any medication of any kind Yes/No?
Details of any known allergies Yes/No
Details of last tetanus injection__________________________________________________
Dietary requirements ______________________
In the event of an accident or an emergency where I cannot be reached, I give my permission
for my child to receive a general anaesthetic and / or appropriate medical treatment.
Signed:____________________________________________________(Parent / Guardian)
Details of any Medication, Allergies or Medical conditions
Details of any Medication, Allergies or Medical conditions
Appendix 3 CBOI Confidential Incident Report Form
Date and time of incident:_______________________________________
Exact location where incident took place:____________________________
Names of people involved in the incident:___________________________
Phone no and address of people involved and parents/guardians
Description of incident (include the following: Suspicions, Concerns, Worrying Observations, Behavioural Changes, Actions and Outcomes. Try to make it as factual as possible and supporting opinions with fact where possible):
Appendix 4
Reasonable Grounds for Concern
The following excerpt from the ‘Children First: National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children’ (4.3.2 – p. 38) shows what would constitute reasonable grounds for concern:
- Specific indication from the child or young person that s/he has been abused;
- An account by a person who saw the child/young person being abused;
- Evidence, such as an injury or behaviour, which is consistent with abuse and unlikely to be caused another way;
- An injury or behaviour which is consistent both with abuse and with an innocent explanation but where there are corroborative indicators supporting the concern that it may be a case of abuse [an example of this would be a pattern of injuries, an implausible explanation, other indications of abuse, dysfunctional behaviour];
- Consistent indication, over a period of time that a child is suffering from emotional or physical neglect.
Appendix 5
CBOI Reference Form
___________________________ has been selected to work for the Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland and has given your name as referee.
This post involves substantial access to children and as an organisation committed to the welfare and protection of children, we would like to know if you have any reason at all to be concerned about this applicant being in contact with children and young people?
Yes/No circle as appropriate
If you are happy to complete this reference, all information contained on the form will remain confidential and will only be shared with the applicant’s immediate supervisor, should they be offered a position. We would appreciate you being extremely candid in your evaluation of this person.
How long have you known this person?__________________________________
In what capacity?____________________________________________________
What attributes does this person have which you would consider makes them a suitable volunteer?
Please rate this person from 1 to 5 (1 being poor and 5 being excellent) on the following:
Circle score below
Responsibility 1 2 3 4 5
Maturity 1 2 3 4 5
Self-motivation 1 2 3 4 5
Motivation of others 1 2 3 4 5
Energy 1 2 3 4 5
Trustworthiness 1 2 3 4 5
Reliability 1 2 3 4 5
Declaration Form
Declaration form for all those working with children and young people
Surname: ___________________ First Name:_________________
Date of Birth:______________ Place of Birth:_________________
Tel. No:___________________ Mobile No:__________________
Is there any reason that you would be considered unsuitable to work with children and young people?
Yes / No Please circle
If yes, please outline reason below:
I ___________________have read and understand the CBOI Child Protection Policy.
Signed:____________________ Date:__________________
- Info to be moved to relevant section Images of a child/young person containing identifying information will not be used for any reason without the consent of a parent/carer (however, we cannot guarantee that camera/videos will not be used in public performances). CBOI will inform bands/choirs/orchestras that images will be used for DVDs and publicity purposes. (Carers may request for their child to opt out )
Appendix 6
Sources of Information:
Department of Health and Children: Our Duty to Care – The principles of good practice for the protection of children and young people
Department of Health and Children: Children First – National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children
Scottish Arts Council: Creating Safety – Child Protection Guidelines for the Arts
Youth Music (UK): Child Protection Document
Dublin Youth Orchestra: Child Protection Document
Cork Youth Orchestra: Child Protection Document
Liffey Valley Youth Orchestra: Child Protection Document
National Association of Youth Orchestras: Guidelines on Child Protection
Arts Council Seminar: Keeping Safe, 22/23 June 2005
Course Facilitators: Fiona Mullins and Maureen Crowley, Advice and Information Officers from the Southern Area Health Board
The Arts Council/An Chomhairle Ealaíon: Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children and Youth People in the Arts Sector
Appendix 7
Helpful websites and documents include:
- Children First:
- Our Duty to Care:
- Code of Good Practice:
- Guidelines and Procedures (Primary Schools)
Appendix 8
The CBOI will have standard HSE forms and contact details for Social Work Departments and Gardaí available on the website.
Appendix 9
CBOI Dundalk Institute of Technology, Dublin Road, Dundalk, Co Louth, Ireland
December 20, 2006
[Name & Address]
Dear [ ]
[Details of Course]
The purpose of this letter is to set out the arrangements agreed between CBOI and you pursuant to which you have agreed to tutor at [ ] on [ ] (“the Course”). The terms of our agreement are as follows:
- You agree to tutor at the Course with [Orchestra/group] and prepare as required
- The programme for the course shall be [as follows:] [agreed as soon as possible]
- CBOI shall be entitled to use and authorise others to use your name, likeness and biography in connection with the advertising for and promotion of the course
- In consideration of your agreement as set out above, CBOI agrees to pay you the gross sum of [ ] plus VAT, if applicable in respect of the Course
- You will arrange all necessary medical and travel insurance in respect of your obligations under this Agreement
- You will be responsible for obtaining any permits and/or visas required by you in connection with this Agreement
CBOI will assist you in obtaining such documents as reasonably required by you.
- CBOI will provide you with accommodation (including full board) for the nights of [ to (inclusive)] in [ ] as required in connection with the Course
- You will be responsible for all other expenses incurred by you in connection with the Course
- If you are unable to tutor due to illness or injury, you will have no liability for such failure to do so subject to the provision to CB of such medical evidence as CBOI may require
- Neither CBOI nor you shall have any liability to the other for failure to perform our respective obligations under this Agreement due to any cause beyond the control of the parties, or any fire, earthquake, flood, epidemic, accident, explosion, casualty, strike, lock out, riot, civil disturbance, act of public enemy, embargo, war, the disruption of airline or other travel services, Act of God, the making of any municipal state or federal law or ordinance by any legally constituted authority or the issue of any executive or judicial order
- If CBOI or you do not fulfil our respective obligations under this Agreement for any reason other than those referred to in clauses 9 or 10 above, such party shall be liable to reimburse the other party with any and all costs or losses reasonably incurred in connection with such non-performance (which shall for the avoidance of doubt include the costs incurred in obtaining an alternative tutor in the event you fail to tutor at the Course).
- You confirm that you are not subject to or bound to any contract or understanding precluding you from fulfilling this Agreement and you agree to indemnify and keep indemnified CBOI against any action, cost, claims or demands made directly or indirectly arising out of any such other contract or understanding.
- This Agreement shall be governed by Irish law and the parties hereby submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Irish courts.
CBOI Dundalk Institute of Technology, Dublin Road, Dundalk, Co Louth, Ireland
Please confirm your agreement to the above terms and conditions by signing where indicated below.
Yours faithfully
For and on behalf of
I hereby agree to the above terms and conditions which I confirm constitute a legally binding agreement between us.
Dated this day of 2007
Appendix 10
CBOI Child Protection Policy Training Form
I hereby acknowledge that I have received training on the CBOI Child Protection Policy in the form of a meeting to discuss and talk through the policy with the CBOI Designated Person/Deputy Designated Person at the beginning of the following course:
I agree that I have read and understood the CBOI CPP to abide by it while on this course:
Name Signed
———————————– ————————————-
Name Signed
———————————– ————————————-
Name Signed
———————————– ————————————-
Name Signed
———————————– ————————————-
Name Signed
———————————– ————————————-
Name Signed
———————————– ————————————-
CBOI Dundalk Institute of Technology, Dublin Road, Dundalk, Co Louth, Ireland
Appendix 11
Evaluation Form
Please take a moment to give us your feedback at this CBOI rehearsal / activity. Input from workshop participants is very valuable in developing future workshops and events.
Excellent, V. Good, Good, Poor, Very Poor
Value for Money
Time of Year
Please use this space to make an additional comment or suggestion…
If you are particularly concerned about any issue, please contact the CBOI staff member on duty or the CBOI office at a later date. CBOI is committed to responding to complaints within two weeks in writing.
Thank you
CBOI Dundalk Institute of Technology, Dublin Road, Dundalk, Co Louth, Ireland
Appendix 12
List of Health Service Executive Area Social Work Department Contact
East Coast Area
Community Care Area
Area Social Work Department and
address Phone No. Fax no.
Area 1
Principal Social Worker
Duty Social Worker
Our Lady’s Clinic
Patrick Street
Dun Laoighaire
Area 2
Principal & Duty Social Worker
Vergemont Hall
Dublin 6
01-2680320 / 0333 01-2680406
Area 10
Principal Social Worker
Duty Social Worker
Bray Health Centre, Block B
Civic Offices
Main Street
Principal Social Worker
Duty Social Worker
Bray Health Centre, Block B
Civic Offices
Main Street
Northern Area
Community Care Area
Area Social Work Department and
address Phone No. Fax no.
Area 6
Principal Social Worker
Duty Social Worker
Welmount Health Centre
Area 7
Principal Social Worker
Duty Social Worker
22 Mountjoy Square
Area 8
Principal Social Worker
& Duty Social Worker
Health Centre
Cromcastle Road Coolock
Dublin 5
01-8164200 01-8479593
Area Social Work Department and
Irish Association of Youth Orchestras Ltd, Civic Trust House, Pope’s Quay, Cork. Phone: 021 421 5185, email:
Community Care Area address Phone No. Fax no.
Dublin South City
Principal Social Worker
Duty Social Worker
Carnagie Centre
21-25 Lord Edward Street
Dublin 2
Dublin South West
Principal Social Worker
Duty Social Worker
Health Centre
Millbrook Lawns Tallaght
Dublin 24
Dublin West District
Principal & Duty Social Worker
Bridge House
Cherry Orchard Hospital
Dublin 10
01-6206387 01-6206388
Wicklow district
Principal social Worker
Duty Social Worker
Swan centre Fairgreen
Co. Kildare
Athy Health Centre
Woodstock Street
Co. Kildare
059-8633535 059-8633566
Celbridge Health Centre
Maynooth Road
Co. Kildare
01-6303155 01-6303112
Midland Area
Community Care Area
Area Social Work Department and
address Phone No. Fax no.
Longford/Westmeath Child & Family Centre
Co. Westmeath
044-84450 044-84396
Health Centre
Coosan Road
09064-83106 09064-83149
Tivoli House
Dublin Road
043-50584 043-50798
Laois/Offaly Community Care Office
O’Carroll Street
Co. Offaly
0506-22488 0506-21136
Duty Social Worker
Co. Laois
0502-925678 0502-62535
Mid-Western Area
Community Care Area
Area Social Work Department and
address Phone No. Fax no.
Irish Association of Youth Orchestras Ltd, Civic Trust House, Pope’s Quay, Cork. Phone: 021 421 5185, email:
Limerick Limerick West: Southill
Kilmallock, Newcastle West
Unit 3 St. Camillus’s
Shelbourne Road
061-483996 061-483778
Limerick East: Roxtown
Cappamore, Moyross, Ballynanty
061-483711 (3-5
Clare River House
Gort Road
North Tipperary Social Work Department
Annbrook Limerick Road
067-41934 067-42069
St. Mary’s Health Centre
Parnell Street
0504-23211 0504-24638
North-Easthern Area
Community Care Area
Area Social Work Department and
address Phone No. Fax no.
Cavan/ Monaghan Local Health care Unit
Monaghan (or)
Child and Family services
HSE Drumalee
Cootehill Rd.
Louth 3rd Floor Nurses residence
Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital
Co. Louth
041-9875282 041-9875244
Ballsgrove Health Centre
Co. Louth
041-9833163 041-9839968
Wilton House Stapleton Place
Co. Louth
042-9392220 042-9392265
North-Western Area
Community Care Area
Area Social Work Department and
address Phone No. Fax no.
Sligo/ Leitrim Community Services
Markievicz house
071-9155133/36 0719155187
Donegal Garden Centre
St. Conal’s Hospital
Co, Donegal
074-9123739 074-9129752
South-Eastern Area
Community Care Area
Area Social Work Department and
address Phone No. Fax no.
Irish Association of Youth Orchestras Ltd, Civic Trust House, Pope’s Quay, Cork. Phone: 021 421 5185, email:
Carlow/ Kilkenny SEHB
11 Patrick Street
056-7784781/82 056-7762741
Duty Social Worker
059-9136587/8 059-9136502
Waterford Community Care Centre
Cork Road
051-842880/2 051-842811
Duty social Worker 051-842827 051-842811
Wexford Ely Hospital
053-47718 053-47706
South Tipperary Yellow House
St. Luke’s Hospital
Western Road
Co. Tipperary
052-77302/3 052-77301
Duty Social Worker 052-77306
Southern Area
Community Care Area
Area Social Work Department and
address Phone No. Fax no.
South Lee Social Work Department
St. finbarr’s Hospital
021-4923001 021-4312960
North Lee Social Work Deparment
Floor 2 adjacent to Blackpool S/C
021-4927000 021-4927001
North Cork 134 Bank Place
Co. Cork
022-54100 022-54150
West Cork Community Care
Kerry 28 Moyderwell Tralee
Co. Kerry
066-7184887 066-7184890
Duty Social Worker 066-7184869/68
Irish Association of Youth Orchestras Ltd, Civic Trust House, Pope’s Quay, Cork. Phone: 021 421 5185, email:
Western Area
Community Care Area
Area Social Work Department and
address Phone No. Fax no.
Galway Community Care services
25 Newcastle Road
Mayo Hill House
Co. Mayo
Roscommon Abbey Town House
Abbey Street
090-6626732 090-6626776
Duty Social Worker 090-6637528/29 090-6627043
Irish Association of Youth Orchestras Ltd, Civic Trust House, Pope’s Quay, Cork. Phone: 021 421 5185, email:
Appendix 13
List of Health Service Executive ‘Keeping Safe’ Information and Advice
Name Area Contact Address Contact No. E-mail
Brid Burke HSE, W.H.A. Galway Community Services
The Annex, western
Health Service
Seamus Quirke Rd.,
T: 091-548440
Sandra Claxton HSE, W.H.A.
Roscommon, Mayo
Mayo Community
Mayo Headquarters,
Old Westport Rd.,
Castlebar, Co. Mayo
M: 087-9074668
HSE, Midland Area,
Longford, westmeath,
Laois, Offaly
Child Care Unit,
Unit 4, Central
Park, Tullamore,
Co. Offaly
T: 0506-057842
F: 0506-57846
M: 086-8157030
HSE, N.W.A., Sligo,
Leitrim, Donegal, Cavan
Markievicz House,
Barrack Street,
T: 071-9155133
M: 087-9090480
Sinead Twomey HSE, southern Area,
North Lee, North Cork,
Ellis House,
Commercial Park,
Ballyvolane, Cork
T: 021-4529010
F: 021-4529028
M: 087-4194335
HSE, Southern Area,
North Lee, South Lee,
West Cork
Ellis House,
Commercial Park,
Ballyvolane, Cork
F: 021-4529028
Laura Nee HSE, MWA, Tipperary
Child Care Manager’s
Annbrook, Limerick
Road, Nanagh, Co.
M: 087-7987854
Jan Godfrey HSE, M.W.A., Clare River House,
Gort Road,
Ennis, Co. Clare
T: 065-6863919
F: 065-6863983
M: 087-6184964
Ann Murray HSE, M.W.A., Limerick 87 O’Connell Street,
T: 061-483520
F: 061-468902
M: 086-8508353
Anne Purcell HSE, S.E.A., Carlow,
Kilkenny, Wexford,
Waterford, south
Health Centre,
HSE, S.E.A.,
T: 059-
F: 0503-36550
M: 087-77985062
Irish Association of Youth Orchestras Ltd, Civic Trust House, Pope’s Quay, Cork. Phone: 021 421 5185, email:
Name Area Contact Address Contact No. E-mail
Edwina Flavin HSE, S.W.A.
Dublin South City,
Dublin South West,
Dublin West, Kildare,
west Wicklow
Children & Families,
Training &
Development Unit,
Unit 4044
City West Business
Co. Dublin
T: 01-4691720
F: 01-4691728
M: 086-3809325
Jan Perrin HSE, SWA.
Dublin South City,
Dublin South West,
Dublin west, Kildare,
West Wicklow
Children & Families,
Training &
Unit, Unit 4044
City West Business
Co. Dublin
T: 01-4691720
F: 01-4691728
M: 086-3803926
Mary Tallon HSE, SWA.
Dublin South City,
Dublin South West,
Dublin West, Kildare,
West Wicklow
Children & Families,
Training &
Unit, Unit 4044
City West Business
Co. Dublin
T: 01 -4691720
F: 01-4691728
M: 0867-
Lorraine Egan HSE, E.C.A.
Community Care
Area 1,2, 10
( Wicklow)
Child Youth & Family
Block B, Civic Centre
Main Street, Bray, Co.
T: 01-2744273
F: 01-2744281
M: 086-3801603
HSE, NEA, Meath 26 Brews Hill,
Navan, Co. Meath
Ennis, Co. Clare
T: 046-9027359
M: 087-6237618
Cavan/ Monaghan
Old Rooskey
HSE, Rooskey,
T: 047-30470
M: 087-9672724
Southern Area
Ellis House,
Commercial Park,
Ballyvolane, Cork
T: 021-4529010
F: 021-4529028
M: 087-2224829
Southern Area
Ellis House,
Commercial Park,
Ballyvolane, Cork
T: 021-4529010
F: 021 4529028
Irish Association of Youth Orchestras Ltd, Civic Trust House, Pope’s Quay, Cork. Phone: 021 421 5185, email:
Health and Safety Statement (Placed here temporarily)
Accidents Procedure
- CBOI staff will record any accidents that take place in the confidential incidents file using the
CBOI Confidential Incident Form (see Appendix 2)
- CBOI maintains an up-to-date register of the contact details of all children/young people on our courses and will ensure that these details are cross-referenced with Confidential Incident Report Forms.
- CBOI always has its own public liability insurance in place for all activities that it runs
- A First Aid box is always available and fully stocked at all CBOI events and staff are made aware of its location
- Emergency contact details are included in all welcome packs given to participants and staff at the beginning of each season
- CBOI is committed to ensuring that at least one member of staff/volunteer has a First Aid certificate. Both members of staff will attend CBOI events
- CBOI is committed to making staff, children and young people aware of the risks of handling heavy equipment
Name of First Aiders: